[Update] New Job

I’ve been meaning to post this for awhile but lately life has just been busy busy busy is all I can say. Just wanted to give a quick update. That said and without further ado…


I will be working as a Network Engineer at AAA Cooper Transportation.

They are basically a large international transportation and logistics company. I’ve worked hard to get to this place in my career and I’m so glad I put in all that energy and time into making this become a reality. That said, it’s funny how life can change with one conversation and I can say first hand that during the entire interview process I was treated with the utmost respect. It’s refreshing is all I can honestly say. All things equal this wouldn’t be possible without the support from my friends in TheRubyZoo and my family. You all are truly treasures that I cherish very dearly.

Other news is I’m still working through my classes at WGU. Currently enrolled in C841 - Law Issues in Information Security. Haven’t had much spare time between securing a new role and Dad duties to do much TryHackMe or hacking at all really and if I’m honest it’s depressing me. I feel like I’ve lost a lot of my knowledge I learned on the offensive side of things so hopefully I can get back into the groove of things soon.

Anyway I can’t iterate enough how super excited I am about the new job and can’t wait to dive in! My start date begins on April 4th.

That’s all for now!

- D